NWS PODCAST #027 – Bremer & Nordfold

Bremer & Nordfold - NWS Podcast 027

Bremer & Nordfold – NWS PODCAST #027

Artist: Bremer & Nordfold
Hometown: Nijmegen, Netherlands & Amsterdam / Netherlands
Labels: Nie Wieder Schlafen
With an euphoric smile, I wanna introduce you to our new family-members and friends Bremer & Nordfold. As fellow students, the guys visited a music university in the Netherlands – since then, they joined forces to create organic and out of the box thinking music, that has overwhelmed us. As we reached out to Bremer last year, they guys worked on two productions, that step in some different genres we always had appreciation for. We have been eagerly awaiting to release these pieces and as we’re gettin’ really close now, the gentleman were happy to do a accompanying set.
In the mix you will find their originals of the Yano EP as well as some interesting productions the guys are feeling at the moment.
Bremer & Nordfold’s “Yano” EP is dropping on March 5th as a Beatport Exclusive.


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